
Billing - Payments (3)

Frequently asked questions related to billing

General (2)

Terms of service - genreral info

How To's (2)

General server administration how to's - mainly Ubuntu/debian

Shared hosting (10)

Serveral websites hosted behind a shared machine and IP address(s)

Virtual Machine (5)

Virtual machine hosting-100% under your controll with root access

Webmin Control Panel (1)

Frequently asked questions related the Webmin control panel

Meest populaire

 Recommended 1st steps SECURING your machine

Securing your virtual server is step one.  AS quickly as possible after it is up, you will...

 Term of service - TOS

Terms of service: Running PLEX software, no matter if it encodes or not, is prohibited. You may...

 Virtual Servers' domain name, name servers

The order form for virtual servers requires a domain name, root password, and name severs. If...

 Overages-disk and bandwidth

Overage charges: Bandwidth for all services is based on the sum of outgoing and incoming...

 Support Hours

Support and sales questions are generally answered within an hour during support operating hours....